Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Matrix that is scheduling for multiple kids

Moms! How do you do it? 
You know what I'm talking about. The organization of schedules, games, homework, drop/off pick up all times x3 (and I know several that are x4 & x5! Bless you!) iCal is great but I needed something we could all see and know to look at as we came in and out. 

I had this blank boring wall between my kitchen & garage. Since it is the main enterance & exit I thought it would better be used as a functional space rather than just pretty. So I got crafty..... 

The blank wall

I went to my trust ol' Michaels Craft Store and picked out some fun frames. Then covered the glass with chalkboard decal. You could use the spray paint but incase I hated the outcome I did not want to ruin the glass. Also the decal works the same without having the same texture and sound when writing on it. All teachers know what I'm talking about here! 

Here is the results so far...

It's working really well so far. We all write on it daily. If there is something someone needs from the store they write it on the shopping board. Today I've written the kids evening schedule for the babysitter. I made enough boards that eventually every kid will have there own. For now the twins share & the one on the far right is a daily notes/ to-do list. I'm thinking I might add something to hold mail and papers. 

I'v always been a bag lady. It has gone from a Louis Vuitton collection to backpacks & LL bean boat and totes! 
So you walk from my chalkboards to the laundry room where each day of the week has a bag with that days needs
As I do laundry I just repack each bag. This works great now but when the twins start activities I'll have to figure something new out. 

How do you stay organized? I'm looking for all the great orginizing advice out there! Comment your ideas! 


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

This post goes out to the best dog ever

I don't know how he does it but he does it every single day! Fashion shows, stroller rides, even covering him with glitter and colored hair spray. He has not snapped at her once! 

Even I would have bit her if she dressed me like the Chiquita bananna lady! He just sits there and let's her do it! 

I love you Ryker! 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

My baby is off to kindergarten

Kindergarten! Wow! What a big girl Miss C was on her first day of school! Not a single tear was shed ( by either of us!) After spending the summer debating & weighing the choices I decided to send Miss C is private Kinder. We had such a wonderful experience at Lupine Lane for preschool that when the director decided to offer Kinder I had to put our public school plans on hold & really think about what was the best option. 
I could get on my teacher soap box and go on for days about the pros & cons of public verses private school but ill save that for another post! In the end how could we turn down putting Miss C is a class of 6 kids verses 26 kids. All of the kids were in class together last year & the teacher is great. Spanish & Mandarin are standards in the curriculum. The curriculum it's self is child driven (think Montessori ) which Miss C excels in this type of environment. So it was kinda a no brainer to send her there.  Guess the only tear shed was writing the tuition check!!!