We are getting settled in at the new place. We were very worried about how Campbell would handle the move. We choose to make her part of the moving process. Which probable made it take 3 times longer!
Turns out she LOVES the new place! Great news right? Well not exactly. Now she NEVER wants to leave. To get out the door is usually the toddler version of the Branch Devonian Standoff.
But on a positive note she is loving the new room. Mostly because she got a big girl bed.
By the way, Miss C is well aware that there is room for Mommy or Daddy to sleep with her. But thats a WHOLE other post |
But the Cherry, or should I say Strawberry, on the cake was getting the Strawberry Short Cak
e Very Berry Cafe. She has been asking for this for months and little did I know but This bad boy is a hot item! We made a big evening of going across town to get THE VERY LAST ONE that Toys R Us had. She will play with this for an hour at a time! In toddler world thats just short of a miracle.
Awe! Oh how I loved Strawberry Shortcake as a child. What a lucky girl. 1 hour of toddler play-alone time = miraculous bliss for momma = worth the trip across town!