It's been quite around this little blog lately. You see I'm a wee bit superstitious and like to keep quite about some things till they are official.
Well it's official, we bought a house! We closed last Friday and the moving truck arrives tomorrow morning! It feels like I just went thru this! Well I did just 7 short months ago. We have really enjoyed living downtown and met some special friends that we will be in our lives even after we move.
I found my dream house and Mr T was sweet enough to agree to commute again to let me buy it.
Our fist home was 1,400 sq feet in Bryker woods then we built the Steiner Ranch house at 1,800 sq feet now the new house is just under 4,000 sq feet! There is a whole lot of decorating in my future! Furnishing this house has been a full time job in itself, don't get me wrong I'm NOT complaining! Well more on the house later I better get to packing!

Hey Amber! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Are you coming back to Steiner? I hope so. : )