Dear Babies in My Belly,
I’ve been meaning to sit down and write this letter to you for a while now…
so that I feel less guilty about my lack of preparation for you.
Less guilty about the roller coster of emotions iv had about there being two of you.
so that I stop worrying that we still haven’t found the perfect name combinations for each of you.
so that you become more real to me.
and so that you know just how much you already matter to our family.
In the 6 months that you have been growing in my belly, life has been a bit crazy for your Mommy, Daddy & Sister.
So crazy, that we haven’t spent hours preparing a nursery, or shopping at Babies R Us, or folding and refolding all your precious mini clothes.
I feel terrible about this. As if the time I spend preparing for your arrival somehow equates to the amount of love I have for you.
It doesn’t. I promise.
I already love you to the moon and back.
Baby Girl your ferocious little kicks to my ribs already melt my heart.
Baby Boy your tap dancing on my bladder makes me smile.
I already know that you two know each other better than I ever will.
I have faith that when you get here, you will give our little family the reality check these 3 only children need…
Help to teach your sister that he is not, in fact, the center of the Universe.
Remind your Mommy and Daddy that they are a team
Soften our hearts.
Renew our Spirits and humble us.
Fill our lives with an added measure of love.
I look forward to our quiet moments alone.
I look forward to your mini fingers and toes.
I look forward to your blinking eyes.
I look forward to all the ways you bond as only twins can
But I especially look forward to learning about all the things that make each of you, you uniquely YOU.
I already forget everything about raising a newborn,
and I looking forward to relearning everything with you- x2!.
I love you infinity x2
PS from this point forward I'll document your growing lives better! I promise
This is so touching and so very sweet.