Well Campbell gave us a scare last night when her temperature got to 104. Calling all Doctors! With the advice of Pop, Catherine & Ganny (Ganny wanted to to leave IMMEDIATELY and go to the ER). We raised the dose of Morton, walked outside in the cool with no clothes and gave a cool sponge bath. After an hour we got her temp down to 100. She also ate a little for the first time. Cheese and crackers with pedisure and lots of popsicles as you can see in the picture.
At 6:30 she came and snuggled in our bed and as you can see by the picture it was not with Trey or myself. Ryker takes full advantage of who ever will sleep the latest.
Unfortunately even after a long rest her temp is back up to 103. We are going to see Dr. Wheelock at 3:20. Hopefully we will know what is going on then and be all fixed up before the weekend!
Will report as soon as I know something