Friday, September 30, 2011

Why do they call them Wisdom Teeth?

I mean really if theses teeth have so much wisdom why do we remove them? I think we should call them devil teeth. I have been putting of having mine removed for about 7 years now. I used every excuse under the sun, they aren't bothering me that bad, I'm pregnant, I'm nursing. I can't afford it, I don't have time to be out of commission for 3 days. You name it I used it as an excuse.
A few weekends ago they really started causing me pain so I pulled the rip cord faced my fears and had all 4 taken out this past Wednesday. I had full IV sedation, partly because my bottom wisdom teeth were badly impacted and mashing a nerve but mostly because I would have ran like a thief from the room!

Recover has been mostly crappy. As soon as I awoke from my happy place I realized our cable was out. Seriously what did I do to make karma hate me? I'd been DVRing & saving all these great trashy tv shows to watch while I was on bed rest. But nope! No tv or Internet for 3 days! So I spent the majority (3 1/2 hours) getting it all fixed this morning.

The pain I was say is still an 8 out of ten and I look like one of Alvin and the chipmunks girlfriends. But with a crap load of medication I can get the pain down to about a 4. So iv been high for about 36 hours now!

On a positive note I have gotten to see the best come out in my husband! He is an only child and care taking is not his strong suit. But he has really stepped up to the plate and been a great nurse and Mr. Mom. He has done school pick up and drop off and even after school activities. Of course I love it cause it reminds him that my "job" really is a lot of work.

Also my wonderful friend Melissa and crazy J brought me 3 containers of Berry Austin frozen yogurt which is awesome by the way and the perfect after oral surgery food!

And lastly I should be really skinny before Texas/OU weekend in Dallas next week!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I'm a hero today

BEWEAR: if your easily grossed out don't read this, if your a mom this is nothing this is just normal!

Just when you think your kid can't surprise you, your called to duty to save Dora the Explorer's dog...

And there he was camouflaged in the poop. How he got there I'm not sure but I was his hero, equipped with a soup ladle.

To my sweet friend Melissa who self proclaims "I don't do toilets" this ones for you :)

And yes mom I know in need to clean the potty, I'm having Melissa come do it!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It may be fall but It's never to late for vanilla and gummy bears

Now that's how you should enjoy an ice cream cone Vanilla & gummy bears

- Posted using BlogPress from my A's iPhone

Monday, September 12, 2011

Oh the activities!

Living Urban (as I'm calling it because it makes me feel cool) has made me realize we need a lot of activities for Campbell to do. I don't want us to suffer from closet fever and well I want her to have the opportunity to figure out what it is she likes and wants to pursue. Miss C is taking dance lessons, swim lessons and gymnastics. My ical is this crazy mom matrix keeping track of the where & when and what bag to pack! Here are some pictures from the first days.

First day at Crenshaw's Gymnastics 

First Day at Alisa's Dance Academy

First day of School Fall 2011

So I a week late blogging this because as any mom can tell you the week of school starting back is just madness. And when you live in Austin it happen to also coincide with the start of UT Football which around here is my husbands version of Christmas day for 11 saturdays but more about that later, let's get back to this cuteness! 
Since we moved we had to find a new school, we miss School in the Hills but the new school is growing on her. She is attending St. Davids Day School. The first day was a little ruff. She had no interest in waking up or getting dressed. The only thing that got her moving was that she got to pack her new lunch box and backpack. Once we arrived at school she was as charming as ever. She did not shed a tear just put her things away, told me she loved me and that she would see me later. 
Sniff, Sniff once again it was me who had the much tufter time.
1st day outfit. It's hard to see but her shirt has a sequin guitar on it

Putting away her snack

Miss C's Classroom

And after school she got a great surprise for being brave on her first day from Ganny! 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Central Texas Fires

A picture is worth a thousand words

Downtown Austin Texas with the Central Texas fires

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Austin Texas