Campbell, I Hope you enjoy reading this in a few years. Love you as endlessly as the waves in the ocean!
My first baby turned 6 this week! Holy Cow! I must say I did something right with this kid! She is so sweet, caring, smart and pretty. She is seriously the best big sister. She is a mother hen to "her" twins and a good friend to others.
She has a sassy streak when it comes to getting up in the mornings & I'm getting a taste of the tween years that are ahead. She loves school and is testing well into 1st grade curriculum.
She is OBSESSED WITH ALL THINGS FROZEN! Thanks again Disney!
She is very good at most anything she tries once she gets past being shy to try new things. Currently she is in Tae Kwan Do, golf & art history.
Last week she lost her first tooth and insist it stay in it's box on the kitchen counter for our viewing pleasure.
45.5 inches tall (57%) and 47 lbs (75%) size 6 clothes & size 12 shoes.
20 Birthday Questions
1. What is your favorite color? Pink.
2. What is your favorite toy? All of them
3. What is your favorite fruit? Grapes
4. What is your favorite tv show?
5. What is your movie? Frozen
6. What is your favorite thing to wear? Polka dot dress (smocked)
7. What is your favorite animal? Dolphin, giraffe & zebra its a tie
8. What is your favorite song? Let it Go (from Frozen)
9. What is your favorite book? Frozen
10. Who is your best friend? Parker Pitman (Abigail, Brooklyn, Alana & Katlyn were in the running)
11. What is your favorite snack? Ice cream
12. What is your favorite drink? Sheerly Temple
13. What is your favorite breakfast? Cereal and bacon
14. What is your favorite lunch? Mac & Cheese
15. What is your favorite dinner? Chili
16. What is your favorite game? Frozen game on her iPad
17. What is your favorite thing to play outside? Scooter
18. What is your favorite holiday? My birthday (I informed her that her bday is not actually a national holiday) to that she responded all of them.
19. What do you sleep with at night? Yellow blanket
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? A dresser for dogs!

So far 6 has been just smashing!