Thursday, April 22, 2010

You would think...

You would think after growing up on a ranch there are a few things I would do well. For example:
~Get dirty
~Cook -ok that goes with growing up anywhere but with a great great- grandmother who always had Sunday lunch for 20 (every Sunday! ) with picture perfect meringue pie AND a grandmother that can make dinner happen in 15 minuets never looking at a recipe or going to the store I would have a few learned tricks of the trade. Nope!
~Garden- my step dad Joel ( a jack of all trades) has tons of fresh veggies every season in fact he sends me home with veggies every time we go to visit. Hell he can't kill a plant! My Mom has more plants than she knows what to do with. She had the same little indoor tree for like 30 years! Me, well I killed petunias

So why I thought I could grow some of my own produce to cook with I don't know! Ok I'm cheating a little!!! We don't exactly live in a neighborhood where I could plant a garden and before I go off and get all crazy and rent a garden space I thought I would try my had a t a Topsy Turvy! Campbell and I are growing tomatoes, green peppers, and thyme. Trey almost passed out when he saw it in our backyard.
It's actually going well! I just got my first bell pepper. It is a little on the small side but I have great hopes for the tomatoes!
I took the picture next to a coke can for a size reference. 

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