Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Baby Booby traps

Since I can remember Miss C has been planting booby traps for me. Not your typical death traps the military sets up even snicker ones! Did you ever think a wooden block could kill you? 
They started out rather harmless. I would find cherrios in the most bazar places! the sheets, my purse, my shoes!  and it mostly just drove me nuts
 Cheerios Cereal, 14-Ounce Box (Pack of 4)
Then Miss C started planting the wooden block in just he perfect spots. The she would cry in the night to get me to rush to the nursery of course stepping on the block sliding and just about killing myself trying not to hit the ground.  Yes, I think she cried just to get me to run across the booby trap because sure enough when I open the door she is sound asleep and I have an aching foot. 
Made in USA Lowercase Alphabet Blocks

And her latest trap... a wooden Seahorse in my sheets. It was very much like the princess and the pea. I just could not figure out why I could not get comfy and after waking up for the third time I found it. The musical wooden seahorse was stalking me. Actually T and I were just kicking it back and forth to each others side of the bed. 
Melissa & Doug High Sea Symphony Toddler Toy
thats the little devil there, the orange sea horse! 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Parties, Parties and more Parties

It goes in phases.

 First the invitations roll in. I pile them up sit at my desk and do what I call "calendering." I love paper. I would even go as far as to call it a fetish.  I really do judge people by their choice of stationary! I know stupid but I do. I love the design, pictures, quality of paper all the way down to the etiquette  that goes into sending invitations, announcements & thank you notes. 

Phase two: planning. What do I need to attend, want to attend & have to skip. Consult with T to see what he is going to attend. Then plan sitters for adult only events. 

Phase three: Gifts. I try not to even know what I spend on gifts each month. If T knew he would die! In July I have purchased
4 birthday gifts
2 baby shower gifts
1 baby gift
2 bachelorette gifts
July has 9 events! There are only 4 weekends in July so needless to say I must pick and choose. 

Phase four: Deliver gifts, mail cards and attend events. 

Who knew a 2 year old would have such a busy social calendar! Between the 3 of us the calendar stays really packed. I actually drove myself nuts the first year Miss C was born. I did not have the ability to say no. T told me I was not allowed to host ANY events this year. That sort of worked. I have only hosted Miss C's 2nd birthday party. Unlike last year when I thought I could do it all. (3 baby showers, class reunion, 100 person birthday party for Miss C, play dates ect. ) 

Seriously I have a problem with over committing! 
My new years resolutions was I Can't do it all and I am not the cruse ship director! 
I'm getting better...