I can't say I had always been a huge Olympics watcher but my husband has. The man could watch any sporting event I swear and act like it's his life long passion. I became a much more interested and educated watcher during the 2008 Beijing Games because I was at home learning the ropes of taking care of a newborn Miss C. So it hit me that I have a pattern going here. I have newborns during Olympic summer games!
The London Games have officially started and so have my contractions!
Will the Twins arrive before the closing ceremonies???
Just a little factoid, I love all things british! I have spent some time there and fallen in love. Hints the degree in British literature, stock pile of twinnings tea & the ability to talk endlessly about the Tutors. Not to Mention New Baby Girls middle name is Elizabeth ( in the queens diamond jubilee year) Maybe I like that the Brits appreciate my dry sense of humor? Oh I am a nurd!
So I'll be watching and waiting...
Babies you have 15 Days!