We have made the drive from Austin to Corsacana, met my family and dropped the kids with no traffic and only one minor melt down by Rush over his Big Sisters iPad! Whoo!
Now leg two, Corsacana to DFW. We are not fancy folk but occasionally we do fancy things. Amex has provided us with new cards that allow us access to the centurion longe. There are 2 in the US open, DFW & Las Vegas with 2 on the the way in San Fransisco & NYC La Guardia. Hope to be writing a post from this cozy little Amex perk in a hour or two!
Leg Three, DFW to Las Vegas! This wil be my first time to Vegas during thanksgiving and I hear it's a great time to be there.
If your wondering we did Thanksgiving with our kids and close friends on Sunday so I'm not feeling to terribly bad about jetting off!