Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving adventures!

Leg one of three is complete! 
We have made the drive from Austin to Corsacana, met my family and dropped the kids with no traffic and only one minor melt down by Rush over his Big Sisters iPad! Whoo! 

Now leg two, Corsacana to DFW. We are not fancy folk but occasionally we do fancy things. Amex has provided us with new cards that allow us access to the centurion longe. There are 2 in the US open, DFW & Las Vegas with 2 on the the way in San Fransisco & NYC La Guardia. Hope to be writing a post from this cozy little Amex perk in a hour or two! 
Leg Three, DFW to Las Vegas! This wil be my first time to Vegas during thanksgiving and I hear it's a great time to be there. 

If your wondering we did Thanksgiving with our kids and close friends on Sunday so I'm not feeling to terribly bad about jetting off! 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Five on Friday

 Iv been carb free all week so it's time for a free day! So fat kid Friday is back! Inspired by my favorite morning talk show on Cosmo radio wake up with Tay. I splurge and have some amazing dish. Back in the day we would try things like the McRib (yuck) now I'm more into local restaurants and trailer food, healthy comfort food & and just down right crazy food! Good thing I live in Austin!

Fried egg sandwitch from the always awesome counter cafe. Created and owned by my friend Ms.Debbie she sources everything local and organic. Two thumbs up it was delish

This bad boy is still afloat! I was appalled at the price of these giant balloons ($40!!!!) but I HAD to have it for my photo shoot this past Sunday. But it's now 7 days old! If you buy one make sure to get high float put in. If your in the Austin area Party Couture in the Hill Country Galleria actually has the best prices and the owner is super nice! 
See all the little people hand prints? 


I'm trying to give up cokes. These are actually not horrible 


Flying in for one show only in Vegas…  Sander van Dorn Think I need to go!!! OK I bought the tickets!
 (Surprise Honey)


ĆD release show for Jeremy O'Bannon! Congrats friend! I admire anyone that followes their dreams. Helps he is actually a great song writer! 

Happy Friday Ya'll 


Monday, November 10, 2014

November get healthy!

Iv already been asked if I'm crazy for starting a diet at the start of the holiday season. The modavation comes more from the thought of falling any further down the rabbit hole (a fat pudgy hole as a mater of fact) Fall in Austin is amazingly busy and fun. Football season, fundraiser a, election season, formula 1, ACL & the kids stuff! I had more candy brought home than I gave away! How did that happen! 
So I need to loose about 15 pounds. It's a crapy combo of post twins weight, a hypothyroid issue & poor diet. I very often eat with the kids and of course there is a lot of carbs involved. And more than anything else I have a huge coke addiction ( the kind in a can not from a crack head!) iv tried to quite in the past and it was so terrible! Since the babies are all in school I thought this would be a sorta kinda good time to have withdrawals. My headaches usually kick in about 10 am. 👹
So for this week I'm eating cleaner, cutting caffeine and reducing all carbs. 
Next week I'll try to emplament a formal diet. 
Any suggestion? 

4hr body, Adkins, Palio diet?????

As far as work out goes, 7 friends and I are doing a fall Barre3 social. I'm typing this from bed with a heating pad on my legs I'm already so sore! Thinking I should throw some cardo in the mix also. 

Is it happy hour yet? What no wine either? 

Will someone please hold me accountable? 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November get healthy!

Iv already been asked if I'm crazy for starting a diet at the start of the holiday season. The modavation comes more from the thought of falling any further down the rabbit hole (a fat pudgy hole as a mater of fact) Fall in Austin is amazingly busy and fun. Football season, fundraiser a, election season, formula 1, ACL & the kids stuff! I had more candy brought home than I gave away! How did that happen!
So I need to loose about 15 pounds. It's a crapy combo of post twins weight, a hypothyroid issue & poor diet. I very often eat with the kids and of course there is a lot of carbs involved. And more than anything else I have a huge coke addiction ( the kind in a can not from a crack head!) iv tried to quite in the past and it was so terrible! Since the babies are all in school I thought this would be a sorta kinda good time to have withdrawals. My headaches usually kick in about 10 am. 👹
So for this week I'm eating cleaner, cutting caffeine and reducing all carbs. 
Next week I'll try to emplament a formal diet. 
Any suggestion? 

4hr body, Adkins, Palio diet?????

As far as work out goes, 7 friends and I are doing a fall Barre3 social. I'm typing this from bed with a heating pad on my legs I'm already so sore! Thinking I should throw some cardo in the mix also.

Is it happy hour yet? What no wine either? 

Will someone please hold me accountable?