Gulp, We got the go ahead last Wednesday in Campbell's spring parent/ teacher meeting that she was ready to toilette train. I should be thrilled and in a way I am but dreading it at the same time. Potty training is a huge commitment on a parents behalf. There are lot's of accidents and messes and ... well I hate messes! Over the last 6 months I have introduced Campbell to the potty and she likes it and knows how to use it. But it's time to go cold turkey! Montessori has a very defined method of potty training, good thing I like it and agree with it.
We are a on the go family and that can make toilet training more difficult. Even if I carry the potty chair with me how fast can I wip the car over, get a 5 point harness unbuckled and on the potty before it is to late! So thanks to AT&T requiring me to be at my house between 8-5 Wed & Thru I thought no better time than this week.
Today has been a HUGE success so far. All tee tee and poo poo's have been on the potty! Even when we cheated and went to lunch at the Hub with Daddy and Wendi, Campbell told me she had to go potty and she did! It's 7 pm and she is still accident free. Wish us luck!