Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Domestic enemies of the MoM

People who failed health class: I gave birth to a boy and a girl. They happen to be twins, whose DNA traveled many moons and continents to find my very uterus, and produce two extremely different infants but I understand babies all kinda look alike And while they looked like the baby version of my 4 year old they are also, very obviously MALE and FEMALE. And always dressed one with a bow & one with out and even after being told they are a boy & a girl we hear the same question over and over. And over. And OVER.

“Are they identical?”

The only appropriate response is an impromptu lesson on the differences between a PENIS and a VAGINA. With drawings. Seriously, people NEED to know this stuff and I am on a mission from God to teach it.

Stuff: Stuff is a problem for any family with kids, but households with twins must have two of EVERYTHING. All the mur.thur.furking. time or someone (me) will explode, I think. Cribs and bouncy seats and high chairs and swings and those damn exer-saucers that require entirely new storage *wings* be added to the house. It’s okay, though. The babies don’t need a college education so much as they require those horrific, matching shoes with an obnoxious cartoon character on them. In a shocking twist of fate, I am ABSOLUTELY positive that I am going to die in an avalanche of the very Princess themed items that have ruined my house and my sanity. All that’s left to take is my actual living, breathing soul.

Grocery Stores: So. Grocery stores kind of suck in general for anyone with kids, but they present a *slightly* larger dilemma for those of us raising twins. I have YET to find a way to put two babies in a shopping cart that does not rely upon toilet paper as a padded wedge upon which your infant’s safety depends. And I ABSOLUTELY REFUSED to wait until my husband was home to make my way to the grocery store, because if I was given that kind of freedom, it was going to involve a t-box, an episode of The Real World and a tub of ice cream.

Instead, I opted to: stack twin #1 in the grocery cart, with twin #2 strapped on in the Baby Bjorn…all while verbally screaming my 4 year-old through the aisles of the store where Dora-the-marketing-slut peddles everything from fruit snacks to shampoo. All done with my head down to avoid eye contact with anyone who wanted to know if my babies were twins, identical (enter soft porn drawings) or wanting to touch their hands/cheeks/tongues with every germ in the known universe.

I feel sure any body of water will be added to my enemies list soon

Location:Domestic enemies of the MoM

Monday, December 17, 2012


I've been told often that when a new baby arrives some regression with your older child is to be expected. This is how I found the girls just now. Better look into the weight limit on that rock & play!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

4 months

Today was our four month well cheek at the pediatrician. Both babies are doing great. They are growing like weeds!

Hight 25 inches (50%)
Head 18 1/4 inches (95%)
Weight 14 pounds (25%)

Hight 24 1/4 (50%)
Head 16 1/2 (85%)
Weight 12 pounds 5 ounces (15%)

Although their weight percents look low they are really not. Percentiles are based on birth day not taking into account t they were three weeks early. So if you back up and did the math subtracting 3 weeks they would be right on track .

Both babies were in the best mood just giggling away then came the nasty old shots. Now I have two fussy little nuggets

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Twins true or false

Identical twins can run in families.
It’s actually fraternal twins that can run in families. The reason why is because fraternal twins develop when a woman’s ovaries pop out more than one egg during her cycle, and the tendency to do that can, in fact, run in families. Identical twins, on the other hand, come from the same egg, and that spontaneous splitting is actually considered a random occurrence, and your genes probably have nothing to do with it.

Twins skip a generation.
Okay, so fraternal twins can run in families, but there’s actually no evidence that it matters which generation you’re in. So if you have a parent who's a fraternal twin, there's still a chance you can have twin babies.

Identical twins have identical DNA.
Well, sort of. Identical twins share about 99.999999 percent of their DNA -- not quite 100 percent -- which is why the twins you know probably have some differences, like a mole or birthmark. Researchers have even found an identical twin who carried a gene for a certain disease, which his twin didn’t. Differences between twins can increase over time as a result of environmental factors, and genes can even change slightly (who knew?).

Twins have the same fingerprints.
Fingerprints actually get created in utero and vary based on a baby’s contact with amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord and whatever else is in there (read: the other baby!). So every single person’s fingerprints are different -- even if they're an identical twin!

Animals can tell identical twins apart even when people can’t.
In one study, highly trained police dogs were able to sniff out the difference between identical twins, even when they lived in the same place and presumably were exposed to all the same smells. How did they do it? No one really knows!

Girl/boy twins are always fraternal.
Since identical twins come from the same egg, they're always the same gender. So any boy/girl twins you know are, indeed, fraternal. I get asked if Rush & Nixon are identical EVERY time I'm in public! Really people lets think about what the word identical means.

Twins have ESP.
The jury’s out!
No one has proven definitively that twins can or can’t communicate telepathically with each other, but many twins have claimed they’ve felt upset or anxious when their twin was in trouble, far across the country. And twins have been known to develop their own language that only the two of them understand. There’s just something special about the connection between twins.

Moms of twins live longer.
A 2011 study found that women who naturally conceived and gave birth to twins had a lower risk of dying each year after age 50 than those who had just one baby at a time. And nope, it’s not because of all that extra cardio from chasing around two babies. Researchers say that these women’s “innate healthiness” actually made them more likely to conceive, carry and deliver twins.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How to make laundry better

Make it cute! Put a baby in it! Laundry for 5 is way different than laundry for 3! It's common for me to have to fold 6 loads at a time

Monday, December 3, 2012

Santa's shopping list!

Miss C has a made her list and is mailing it to Santa! She alo helped the twins with their list and offered to mail theirs as well. 

All they Want For Christmas is ...

Barbie Princess and the Popstar: 
Musical Light-Up Castle
the movie


Barbie Photo fashion doll

Twister Dance

Cinderella The movie
Little Mermaid the movie 
(i cant find this movie anywhere!!!!!)

anything Barbie
size 5/6 clothes
size 10 shoes

Rush ...

Cloud b turtle
cloud b sleep Giraffe

Activity mat (fisher price)

any “boy” activity toys

Boys clothes   6months (he weighs about 14lbs)

Nixon ...

sleep sack

activity play yard

cruise & groove ballapalooza

Girls clothes 6 months (she weighs about 12lbs)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Double fisting

Many things have a new meaning, this is most defiantly one of them

Saturday, November 24, 2012

We gave Thanks to Texas and Turkey

FYI i started this post one week ago and it's just now getting done!

Hope everyone out there in Blog land had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know we sure did! Every year that the Longhorns play on Thanksgiving day we have our traditional Thanksgiving lunch tailgate style! This year was no exception just with a few new additions, Twins and TCU. Since I can remember Texas has always played Texas A&M but since they "succeeded from the nation" (the BIG 12 that is) they have been replaced with TCU witch proved to be a worthy opponent. Ok they kicked our butt!
No loss stopped Miss C or and of the rest of us from enjoying the beautiful day

Thursday, November 15, 2012

3 months old!

My little wee ones are three months old! Pictured here getting some love from big sister.
We are getting into a routine, a little. The days are still crazy but our night are getting better and everyone is getting a little more sleep. Rush is still my sweet tempered chunky monkey & Nixon is still a tiny pixy with a big personality.
I describe my days as being constant. I'm constantly doing something! Someone constantly needs something! I must make at least 50 trips up and down the stairs each day. My booty better be looking good by spring! I'v lost the 50 pounds I gained and 4 extra and yes I'm very excited about it! BUT and it's a big but... my skin! How do you get your skin to not look like an elephant ear?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Sweet Berry Farms

It's not Fall with out a trip to Sweet Berry Farms!

Kamryn & Campbell 

A very determined racer in the pumpkin race

Miss C with her teacher Ms. Lauren

A look back 2008-2012 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Two Months

Where oh where does the time go? For me it's consumed in diapers, bottles, boobs, laundry and personal assistant to a very busy 4 year old!

So I'm late posting the Twins 2 month pictures and update but these days I'm lucky to get it done at all so I'm going to cut myself a little slack.

On with the cuteness ...

What's cooking: Both Rush and Nixon eat on average every 3 hours around the clock. They take turns nursing every other feeding now since each baby eats at least 4oz per feeding so we have a little alternating breast/formula thing going on.
Who's Sleeping: The longest either baby has slept is 3 1/2 hours at a stretch
Fashion: My little Pixie Nixon is still wearing Newborn size but Big boy Rush has moves on to 0-3 months size.
Personality: We have smiles, Nixon first then about a week later Rush. Nixon is doing a lot of coos when you talk to her and she is very reactive to her big sister! Rush loves a lot of eye contact and is starting to coo a little but is much more into studying the world around him. When Nix was fussing the other day I looked at Rush and said "that's your twin" he actually gave me a laugh out loud. I swear he was thinking don't look at me mom!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Kid Quotes

The scene: driving home from Dallas

Miss C: "Baby Rush is fat"
Mr T & I laugh: "his head is just big"
Miss C: "no really he is fat, fat like daddy"


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A day of Doctors

It's been an eventful day full of Dr's visits! We started the morning off at the pediatric cardiologist for Nixon. At the twins 1 month visit our pediatrician heard a murmur in her heart. My entail reaction was pure panic! But the Dr, who we trust very much, assured us by the sounds if it it was most likely what's known as an innocent murmur and she will grow out of it. We choose not to tell anyone till after we had the visit to the cardiologist as to not cause undo worry. (Ok we told my mom, yep she worried). Nixon was a rock star during her EKG & Ecocardiogram! Knowing Nixon I expected her to shatter glass with her scream, she is not know for her tolerance or patience!!!

In non doctor terms Nixon is going to be just fine!!! She has two places in her heart that are causing the murmur and both should be just fine over time. Ill sure sleep better tonight knowing she will be a heart breaker rather than a broken heart!
Then it was off to the twins 2 month well check
Rush 10lbs 13oz
Nixon 9lbs 7oz
Growing like weeds!
Then came the always dreaded vaccines! Mr T and Miss C showed up just in time to help with the shots ( I suck at this part!) Miss C was a very supportive Big Sister!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Only in Texas

Only in Texas do you pose with a 1,400 pound steer! But that's not just any steer that's Bevo! If you know us or have read my blog for any length of time you know nothing comes between The Collins and Longhorn football! Not even the birth of twins!
Football season is in full swing around here. We have pre gamed at the UTGC Friday night tailgate parties

The Twins have attended their first Flo-Co tailgate party

Yes they each got their own fan!
We took our first ever RV trip to Ole Miss! The only way to road trip with kids, seriously! This trip will have a post of its own soon!

Trey and I even had our first date! Thanks to our new part time nanny Danielle (that's a other post as well!) We spent the day hosting our tailgate party

Football season in Austin is like a high school, college & family reunion for 11 fall weekends!